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Being Grateful & Surprise Announcement!

Happy Thankgiving weekend!

If you have been following me on Instagram (@christiane.begin) then you know that I visited Tunisia recently with my little family.  As my partner is originally from there, we visited his relatives as well as some tourist spots.  I am currently prepping those posts and selecting from the many pictures we took so stay tuned!

Being Grateful

Thanksgiving has always been an important weekend in my family.  We had our extended family and some close friends on Sundays to celebrate and eat A LOT of homemade food.  We celebrated the end of the farming season in my town (I grew up on a farm) while being together enjoying 5 course meals my mom usually prepared which was one of my favorite part of getting together.  Mmmmm!  Now that I have been living at the other end of the country, I don’t get to share these special moments with my family.  On the other hand, I have my little family that is growing and I try to incorporate those traditions into my cooking and my baking.  I enjoy the Fall feeling and coziness it brings with warmer clothing and hot beverages.  Don’t you just LOVE the Fall flavors such as pumpkin, cinnamon, apple, cranberry sauce….?!

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