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10 reasons why traveling with kids makes you a better traveler

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”I don’t want to have kids because I want to travel”

This statement could not be any more wrong. Yet, I hear it soooooo often, and it’s the number one thing that gets us nervous when we usually think of traveling with young kids.

Do you squeak like a dolphin whenever you think ”well, I want to travel but….I have young kids”

What’s your story?

Did she tell you this?… scenario number 1

Are you one of those moms that socializes at mommy groups. You know the place where moms happily shares their mom undereye bags stories and secretly compares their child’s motor skills and natural abilities to the other ones. Then, a comment about our childless friends might slip into the conversations because honestly, we can all relate to this subject one way or another.

True story, one mom said that her ”friends without kids” would lovingly look at her kids and say” your kids are soo cute, ahhhh you should have more”. Then she replied: ”why don’t you have some then” , that’s when it happened…”no way, we want to travel, kids aren’t for us….but yours are sooo adorable!” Yep, that answer is becoming a natural pairing like salt & pepper, couples and traveling.

OR did she tell you this? ….scenario number 2

The instructor of the zipline told me that she was engaged. A very fit, petite, funny and late twenties, I’d bungee jump looking kinda women. As soon as she heard that we had left our 2 young kids at the airbnb with my parents so we could do an activity together, like fire burning her toes, she immediately added that ”I’m not ready for kids, I want to travel before any kids”

Yes, traveling before having babies launch out of you is great but don’t fall into the ”i’m doomed to stay at home or only visit relatives and friends” lifestyle if that is not your hearts desire.

Traveling with kids can be a wonderful experience if you let go of expectations and carry a well-packed mommy bag.

So let’s get started…

10 reasons why traveling with kids makes you a better traveler

1.They will be your best get out of bed card, sorry no snoozefest for you. Young kids will happily start shouting in your ears like your miles away, pulling you out of bed if they don’t see you move. Their favorite song starts like roosters at sunrise….”i’m hungry, mom, dad, lalala, i’m hungry”, lalala let’s go”. This isn’t a bad thing, the amount of mornings where I felt like we should have lunch only to realize it’s only 9:30am. In other words, you’ll be impressed by the amount of things you can do early and skip all the ‘hooly geez’ long line-ups because most people are still asleep.

2. They notice the little things and see beauty everywhere. That old car, a rabbit, a rainbow, a seashell, a beautiful tree, a monkey, a police car (which can be helpful trust me, lol!), a fruit stand, money on the ground, that map stand, oh and the famous ice cream shop, thank you kids!

Everything is new and especially small kids observe EVERYTHING that moves making you appreciate what you would have otherwised missed on your journey, walk, or car ride, especially if you are missing out because you are on Instagram or checking emails. These kids keep you in the moment, looking at the scenery instead of the plastic screen.

3. They keep you exploring. These little humans usually have tons of energy and LOVE to see new things. So they are perfect company to go somewhere new. My daughter gets really quiet (she is one) and wants to explore every little corner once we put her feet on the ground. But remains close enough usually keeping us in sight.

Small kids are like traveling, you are never 100% certain how the day will unfold, but having a plan B (if something is closed, not good, get sick or you get lost on your way) makes exploring new cities and countries much more enjoyable.

4. On the other hand, they help you slow down….literally, you would probably be a boomerang in another life for all of the back and forth movements you keep doing walking with your toddler or newly walking baby. Break time is a must and necessary on vacation. Too often we fly back home exhausted needing a day of sleep and staying on the couch watching netflix series. A vacation should be a time to relax or at least to let go of any anxiety and stress that you might feel.

5. They are social butterflies…. well if you have cute kids, sloppy kids, smiling kids, crazy kids, loud kids, crying kids, mini styled kids, well basically any kind of tiny humans, people will stare. They are like bees with honey, they get a little too close to your face to talk, probably even drooling and spitting in your face and are the only humans that are aloud to stare creepily at strangers. I know if I did that you would think I was weird or had spinach stuck in my teeth. I say, if you are shy, alone, introverted, lost, then use your child as a wing kid. They are the perfect segway for you to ask someone about the area and meet new people. Everyone loves kids….until they break something.

6. You get VIP treatment at the airports…society has this right…you are a Very Important Person, hello to the express lines and priority boarding without paying $$$. Even better is when you are traveling during high seasons and busy times, don’t worry you will 99% of the time be given a seat on buses and other benches. I say high five to this perk!

7. You could slay a dragon and run from an erupting volcano like no one else. Mom, you are prepared for anything and everything during the day. Being organized is in a mom DNA, hello super sized diaper bag! kids are hungry…you pull-out a snack, they hurt themselves on rocks…you pull-out a bandaid, thirsty… get that bottle of water out, there is a waiting line at the restaurant….hello little travel toys…., it’s cold…pull-out their sweater.

Always carrying some ‘in case of emergency, long lines, or boring activities for kids’ toys in my bag.

How do I travel with calm and happy kids?

The key ingredient is to have a well packed ‘happy’ bag that holds little surprises and the essentials (diapers, snacks, water, clothes, wipes…) anticipating for moments of overwhelm.

8. Wellness becomes a priority while traveling with kids. As adults we often go on vacation and come back even more tired then when we left…can you say lazy seal on a hot beachy day. So in order to enjoy traveling with small kids there is no ‘let’s skip it today and go full speed visiting 7 attractions’, you have to eat well, sleep well and exercise.

9. You will spend more for comfort and accessibility. While prior to having kids we would sometimes cheap it out and stay at hostels, backpack or a hotel far from everything only to save money….after having kids you think more about accessibility and comfort for the family. Staying at family friendly hotels or even renting an apartment with kitchen near the main attractions makes everything much easier for you and your kids. If they are tired or hungry then you can easily get back to your room without any fuss. Luxury has a new twist…it’s called family style.

10. You will be much more empathetic, tolerant and polite. Honestly, it’s crazy how appreciative I am when someone goes out of their way to open doors for my stroller or when I get asked maybe a thousands times if I need any help on vacation. You become more empathetic of other parents and laidback because in the end you learn that going with the flow is the only way to enjoy your trip….a bit like the changes in weather.

So here it is folks…my top 10 reasons why traveling with small kids makes you a better traveler.

While 90% of it is fun to travel with kids, I understand that every mom or parent are different and you may prefer to limit yourself to visiting family if that makes you happier. But keep in mind that it is not as scary at it looks… biting my nails because I am so anxious kinda feeling.

We always seem to fear the worst but 9 out of 10 times the worst never happens.

traveling with kids, travel, family vacation, flying with kids, motherhood, mom life, mom tips

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