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This is what you should tell your kids at bedtime.

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This is by far one of simplest yet powerful parenting tip I have ever read!

I heard on a podcast last year, Seth Godin, an author, genius marketing guru and father explain that he did this particular bedtime routine with his children until they were in high school.  I thought it was clever, loving, simple yet a powerful parenting habit to share with you today.

Tell your child these words while he or she is in bed.

Remind your kids every night….

“Whatever you do, do it well.
Never give up.
Whatever you want to be, be it.
Never forget how much I love you.”

Ever since I heard this, I immediately added it to my son’s bedtime routine.  I whisper it in his ear before reading him his bedtime stories.  Sometimes it makes him shy and he looks away but always with a smile. I tell him to look at me and repeat it again once I have his undivided attention.  I also tell him: “you know that mom loves you very much and will always love you”.  Then proceed with telling him some of his strengths and what makes him great in addition to what Seth Godin said to his children when they were living at home.

Why is this important?

It nurtures self-confidence.

It nurtures strength.

It nurtures love.

It nurtures motivation.

It makes them feel secure.

Instead of just reading a bedtime story, try adding this simple loving step.  Always tell your children individually.  Obviously, you can modify it to each child.

After all, every child just want to be loved and feel loved.

Here is a final thought for you.

Remember that the way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.

I would love to know what particular routine you have at bedtime?  If you do try this, please let me know below or follow me on Instagram or on my Facebook page Citrus Love Blog 


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Christiane xxx



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