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Currently Loving: How to be more productive

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Some of the best things and lessons are often unexpected.

This next book was a spontaneous buy, yet the research and simple steps it gives to manage the stress in our lives and how to be more productive is incredibly easy to apply.

I had so many « ah ha ! » moments that I truly enjoy being able to share a few of them with you today.

I often hear that having a growth mindset can change you health, your habits, your mood and your life for the better.

Seriously, how often do you feel frustrated, annoyed, irritable or simply stressed ?

I am currently loving and was throughly inspired by the easy habits from the book :

peak performance book review

Peak Performance

By Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness.


The below notes are a summary of what I found to be the most enlightening in the book (which I have already read twice and will read again).  I have also shared

If you would like to learn more after reading this post then you can find the book here or listen to the audio book (like I did) on


Let’s get started !

« Stress + Rest = Growth »

Basically, taking breaks will make you, your employees, your business, as well as your children better and more productive !

Actually, intervalls (50-90 minutes work + minimum 5 minutes rest) increases the quality of the work.

One simple example in the book is that nature, being outdoors and even looking at a picture of nature brings the emotions of rest and a feel good vibe.  So no excuses for not being in the right environment. Bring a magazine of the outdoors or a landscape photography book next time that you are at work.

What challenges are right for you ?

The best advice given in the book is that if you feel in control then it isn’t difficult enough.  If you are too anxious that you cannot think, then you are pushing yourself too much and need to slow down or rest.

Single tasks yes, Multitasking no

You should single task instead of multitasking as the former has been proven to be more effective in getting things done. So shut off notifications, do not glance at your phone, even better, have it out of sight, close your emails and don’t start the laundry.

You lose so much time in a day multitasking. I always thought if you could multitask then you could get more things done. However, that could not be farther from the truth. By focusing deeply on one task, without interruption (by the way, you are not required to answer the phone right away), then only then will you become more productive.


Stress is good, Welcome it in your life

« If you want to continuously improve in whatever you do, you’ve got to view stress as something positive even desirable. The right amount serves as a powerful stimulus »

« Stress is the body’s natural way of preparing for a challenge. »

Acknowledge your thoughts and let them go, then refocus.

Not only does viewing stress differently changes how your body reacts to it but it will also improve your health and extend your life.

The fountain of youth is sleep !

Environment matters.

Prep your working area for a productive day by, sitting at the same table, listening to the same music, drinking the same thing, all about the same time of day.

We are not as separate from our surroundings as we think.

Consistency is king !

Be consistent.  Anything means nothing if you don’t practice.

In order to do great work, you need to say no to a lot of things to have energy to do the things that matters to you.

Choose where to focus your energy, even the simple things like deciding what to eat, what to wear or where to stop for coffee takes energy.

Eliminate non-essential decisions that are not critical to your work such as do not engage in gossip, politics or what others think of you which takes energy.

The more decisions you make automatic, the more energy you’ll have during the day !


Happy reading!

Color your style, color your food, color your life!

Christiane xxx



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